Converting Manga To Kindle Format
The following BASH converts directories full of bitmaps into Kindle books. You will find this useful if you enjoy scanned comic books, which are usually distributed as archives full of graphics files.
The script, as presented here, is for the Kindle DX, which has a screen resolution of 1280×824 and can display 16 colors. If you have a regular-sized Kindle, just change the resolution. If you have a more advanced Kindle that can display more colors, change the bit-depth. (The number of colors in the image is two to the power of the bit depth).
Run it in the directory where the image files are, and you’ll have a CBZ file containing appropriately sized images. The Kindle can read CBZ files. Just put them in its /documents folder.
#!/bin/bash SAVEIFS=$IFS IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b") if [ ! -d temp ] then mkdir temp fi for file in * do information=`identify $file 2>&1` if [ $? -eq 0 ] then cp $file temp resolution=`echo $information | cut -d " " -f 3` width=`echo $resolution | cut -d "x" -f 1` height=`echo $resolution | cut -d "x" -f 2` if [ $width -gt $height ] then mogrify -strip -depth 4 -colorspace gray -type palette -resize 1280x824 temp/$file else mogrify -strip -depth 4 -colorspace gray -type palette -resize 1280x824 temp/$file fi fi done if [ -d temp ] then if [ "`ls -A temp`" ] then zipfile=$(basename `pwd`).cbz > /dev/null cd temp zip $zipfile * > /dev/null cd .. cp temp/$zipfile . fi rm -r temp fi IFS=$SAVEIFS
To run it, you need zip and imagemagick installed. Imagemagick’s default scaling algorithms produce very good results.
And yes, I’m aware of Mangle. It works well.